A high contrast view of the power station interior mixes arrays of columns and beams with stairs climbing up through about 5 storeys inside the building. Multiple stairwells recede into the distance towards the far wall of the building.

Stairs, Beams and Columns

I returned (for a third time) to the R.L. Hearn Generating Station down near Cherry Beach — this time with Rob. Demolition is continuing at an increased pace and as a result the place has changed considerably in a few short months. Because the interior is being gutted the interior volumes are now much larger and more of the structure is visible. It also gets a lot more light into the rest of the building.

As an image I realize this is a bit of a chaotic mess — lines and angles everywhere with no clear subject. I've always enjoyed mechanical imagery, angular silhouettes and other similar things so I really enjoy the feel of this. Still, it needs to be much larger to fully appreciate the detail and to start to weave your eye through the resulting visual maze. Then again, that's the reality of this space — it *is* a visual maze.